Since Albert Einstein discovered the Theory of Relativity, modern physics opened itself to a whole new spectrum of reality in which space and time are blended together in a set of madly distorted interactions. Humans once again had to break their own visual limitations, cast doubt on not just what they hear but what they see. We came to realize that everything we had blindly recognized as status quo has always been relative and the truth only came from a multitude of perspectives.
Ever sisnce I was a kid move around from one country to another due to my father’s job. In order to get used to the ever-changing environment around me I learned to keep my personalities and mindset extremely flexible. However, my inconsistent identities I had in each country has left me worrying nowadays which one of those personalities are a part of me or not.
With the increased integration of technology and the human body, people are living longer and active lives. Medical devices have already changed many lives both young and old. Will technology redefine relationships, has it already?
Nature has inspired many technologies (like those involving movement and flight), and ironically, because of these developments, we as humans are losing our connection with nature. It has inspired so many technologies, yet can be so easily ignored by the average human being and goes unappreciated. What happens when it decides to seek vengeance? When it decides to take back what it has given?