How can we know whether what we are seeing is real or a dream- or if there is a difference between the two?  The famous Chinese philosopher Zhuangzi once told a parable of when, after waking from a dream of being a butterfly, he wondered if he were a butterfly dreaming of being a man.  With this artwork, I show that reality is relative and that you can never be sure which viewpoint represents reality.


philosopher and butterfly.4


Human technology is a power so potent that, if taken to the extreme, could make us nearly divine, complete with extreme longevity, strength, health, and intelligence.    While many argue over whether technology is good or evil, it is our choices as to what we do with this technology that will determine whether we become angels or demons.  Such technology could just as easily move us closer to nature as it could separate us from it.


Thesis:  Moral Duality of Technology

Human technology is a power so potent that, if taken to the extreme, could make us nearly divine, complete with extreme longevity, strength, health, and intelligence.    While many argue over whether technology is good or evil, it is our choices as to what we do with this technology that will determine whether we become angels or demons.  Such technology could just as easily move us closer to nature as it could separate us from it.


Additional Research

I watched Francesca Ferrando’s talk on “Humans, Cyborgs, and Posthumans” and found her definition of the post-human to be particularly unbiased.  I appreciate that she looked at how the definition of human has transformed and been contested throughout human history as opposed to assuming that everyone agrees upon a definition of humanity.  She points out that throughout time there have been those we would clearly classify today as human who were thought of as non-humans or incomplete humans (witches, slaves, “deformed” people).  After acknowledging that humanity itself is very definition/dependent, she defines post-humanism as that which is “beyond what has been historically portrayed as human”.  This definition of the post-human allows it to be a more transitional/fluid concept than a hard distinction, which is far more fitting with the idea of technological human enhancement.

The piece will be presented as a series of renders (printed out on photo-paper if possible.


My futuristic Noah’s ark combines three different sea vessel designs: the ark, the buoy, and the catamaran.  I liked the impression of strength and power than the shape of the ark provides, while I appreciated the catamaran’s design for its practical ability to survive waves.  The buoy, while the most humble of my sea vessel inspirations, is fascinating in its ability to bounce back from being hit by waves- a very important quality to have when trying to endure a post-apocalyptic sea.  In order to endure the post-apocalyptic sea for an indefinite time, I needed a design that was sturdy enough to survive both rough waves and time.  I imagine that a post-apocalyptic sea would be filled with poisonous debris and contaminants, so I needed to create a vehicle that was both relatively self-sufficient and self-contained.  The windmills on the various pods provide the energy necessary for the ark to keep running indefinitely.  My future Noah, who runs the whole ark, is invested in the preservation of the ship and its inhabitants.  I see him as a sort of steward of the last bits of nature.  The upward-looking window on the ark’s control pod allows Noah to wait and look for the appearance of the rainbow.  The strength and enormity of the ship reflect his conviction and perseverance.

The presentation of my final project follows the ark on a particular sunrise as it continues to wait for a sign of good things to come.  Through lighting, composition, and setting, I try to capture both the serenity and loneliness of Noah’s ark, a ship floating an empty sea indefinitely.  The viewer is invited into the scene by two crows that have found rest on the ark.


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1 2 3 4 with fish1 with fish2


headphones headphones2 headphones3 headphones4


Parthenon parthenon2 Parthenon3 Parthenon4


O'Malley the Malllard