TeddyModel1 TeddyModel2 TeddyModel3

For the first project I have decided to a vehicle meant for finding Big Foot in the  Northwest Territories. Ron Swanson/Teddy Roosevelt will be operating the vehicle.

Teddy Roosevelt is one of my operators. I am going to be putting his mustache and glasses on the vehicle. It will also be named the Bully 2000 because one of Teddy's bully pulpit.

Teddy Roosevelt is one of my operators. I am going to be putting his mustache and glasses on the vehicle. It will also be named the Bully 2000 because one of Teddy’s bully pulpit.

I am also going to incorporate his hat from the Rough Riders.

I am also going to incorporate his hat from the Rough Riders.

For the vehicle, I wanted to make the wheels like a tank. It wont be able to be stopped by the rough terrain. The wheels won't be as large because I want the vehicle to be able to climb the rough terrain, and I was the vehicle to be able to drive between trees.

For the vehicle, I wanted to make the wheels like a tank.  The wheels won’t be as large because I want the vehicle to be able to climb the rough terrain, and I want the vehicle to be able to drive between trees.

Ron Swanson loves silence more than anything. I want the vehicle to ride quiet so it is peaceful inside no matter what is going on outside of the vehicle.

Ron Swanson loves silence more than anything. I want the vehicle to ride quiet so it is peaceful inside no matter what is going on outside of the vehicle.

I want Swanson and Teddy to be hunting Big Foot.

I want Swanson and Teddy to be hunting Big Foot.

The terrain will be a highly wooded area. I also want it to be mountainous with some little rivers.

The terrain will be a highly wooded area. I also want it to be mountainous with some little rivers.