
Project 1 – Rachel

For my vehicle project I was inspired by a number of vehicles.  The first was the bus from The Magic School Bus children’s books and TV show.  It is an older bus model, built with lots of smooth curves and bumpers.  The other class of vehicles were airships and zeppelins.  I felt that the curves of the airship nicely matched up with the curves of the bus.  The airship portion of the design was mostly influenced by my environment of the gas clouds of Jupiter.  I felt that my vehicle needed to be able to explore and stay afloat in this harsh territory and that modeling my vehicle after a blimp would help maintain its structural integrity.  To compensate for the increased pressures, I maintained a lot of smooth curves on the hull of the ship.  These curves really help in withstanding high pressures and abrupt pressure changes.  In conjunction with the vehicle, I chose to represent Miss Frizzle from the show as well.  So I wanted to capture feeling of fun, exploration, science, and friendship.  I tried to make my ship “happy” to reflect this personality.


Hulk-Jet Transformation

For my particular vehicle, I initially looked at very aerodynamic and versatile spaceships to mimic Bruce Banner’s agility and awareness.  During an impending threat, Bruce Banner has the ability to transform into the Hulk, so I also looked into larger and bulkier spaceships for inspiration as well.  After many iterations, I largely based my final vehicle off the VFA Jolly-Rogers jet to show the maneuverability and smartness of Bruce Banner.  I then utilized many of the Hulk’s powerful and unyielding character traits to morph the jet into an ideal form that resembled a ship protecting itself at all costs from impending doom.  Another vehicle I looked to for inspiration which largely helped shape the environment was the evacuated tube transport system.  In this system, passengers are sent at extremely high speeds through a vacuum tunnel to bypass major roadways.  In this same sense, I based my vehicle in space just leaving an enclosed worm tunnel.  The piece is set in a futuristic time when scientists have fully discovered worm tunnel capabilities, and humans are able to travel through them at warped speeds bypassing parts of the universe to reach final planet destinations.  However, in my piece the vehicle is not only operating in the harsh environment of space, but it also has to deal with an impending asteroid collision with the destination planet.  As a result, the vehicle adapts to survive by transforming into a more compact and resilient shape with a force field surrounding the exterior.  When rendering the piece, I kept in mind the Hulk’s origins by making the jet green and purple, as well as making it look as if the piece could be part of a comic book.  In addition, I wanted to make the viewer believe that this scenario and technology could be possible in the future.  As a result, I took a more realistic approach to designing the aircraft and then added features to the vehicle which could resemble futuristic spaceships.  I also wanted to evoke a sense of suspense to the viewer as the vehicle comes zooming out of the worm tunnel to an initially unknown catastrophe.  To accomplish this sense of near destruction, I rendered the piece with a composition that had lines all leading to one point of obliteration.  Ultimately, we see in the final renders that the vehicle adapts and avoids the impending catastrophe.

Feed Jeremy

Cirrus, Hannibal’s Vehicle to Victory

Hannibal was a great war strategist that famously used elephants to travel across long distances.  However, when he reached the Alps, he lost many of his troops and elephants.  The designed vehicle wishes to aid Hannibal’s conquests and safely guide him across the Alps.  The Alps is a very mountainous region.  Its climate is very cold and snowy.  This requires a vehicle that can traverse across this rough terrain while carrying Hannibal’s supply of equipment.  The proposed vehicle, Cirrus (named after his elephant) was inspired from three different existing vehicles.  The legs were derived from the walking machine from Star Wars.  The body of it came from an aircraft carrier while the head was inspired by an elephant.  The vehicle from Star Wars and elephants can be very intimidating and prolific.  This matches Hannibal’s qualities.  His presence was one to be feared and respected.  An aircraft carrier was chosen because of its ability to transport large equipment and supplies.  Hannibal would prefer to have people know when he is near.  Since he is very powerful, he should live in luxury and his vehicle should accommodate his desires.  His aversions are towards the cold and losing.  This vehicle protects him from the cold with its large shell.  Hannibal also has the option of sitting in bed while directing their course of action.  The vehicle also possesses a large capacity for his army and his weapons.  The vehicle has many features within its interior.  On the top deck of the control tower, there is a bar that Hannibal can use to celebrate his victories and relax.  It features an all glass exterior so he can see all of his accomplishments.  The next floor down is where he could lead his command.  The podium has a wide screen that allows him to control the vehicle while directing his soldiers into battle.  The many screens are for his soldiers to monitor the situation around this large vehicle and help control it.  Beneath this room is the throne room.  Hannibal can sit and watch his plan unveil itself and destroy his competitors.  The gold and velvet material portrays the royalty he deserves.  The last room in the tower is where all of the electronics are contained.  The servers and technology needed to operate the vehicle is housed here.  In order to travel between rooms, an elevator was installed.  Within the body of the elephant, Hannibal’s land vehicles are stored and maintained.  A catwalk connects the elevator to the head of the elephant.  A spiral staircase is used to walk down to the storage level.  Hannibal’s personal bedroom lies within the head.  The bed matches his throne and will excellently provide comfort to him.  Cirrus can travel through the Alps because its ability to fly and walk.

Alana Feed

Peter Rabbit’s Carrot Crawler

The design for the Carrot Crawler was manifested mostly from imagination, though it was likely subconsciously inspired by vehicles like alien tripods from War of the Worlds or the structural makeup of viruses.  Both of these “vehicles” are configured in ways suitable for invasion, and so, my vehicle is designed for Peter Rabbit’s invasion of Mr. McGregor’s garden—the designated harsh environment.   Something to consider in regards to the nature of this environment was the need for stealth and cleverness.   Mr. McGregor and his cat are two obstacles that Peter must slip past in order to successfully steal his vegetables.  And so, the design is camouflaged with the appearance of being constructed out of carrots and cabbages.  In regards to attributes, Peter Rabbit is quick, sneaky, mischievous, and good at hiding; in regards to aversions, he does not like Mr. McGregor or his cat, or getting caught by either of the above; ultimately, he prefers vegetables—those from Mr. McGregor’s garden.  And so, all of these factors were considered when designing the Carrot Crawler.  The interior consists of a control room with computer screens and gadgets and a throne chair upon which Peter Rabbit might sit to direct his mission.  Below this space, there is compartment room for the stolen goods, under which there is a shovel that doubles as a drill in rotation.  The exterior is designed to look like a cabbage and the arms that move the vessel resemble carrots.  The leaves of these carrots have the ability to unfold into propellers should a quick, airborne escape be necessary.  The final renders depict potential encounters when Peter Rabbit takes his new Carrot Crawler out for its maiden voyage.


Lessig’s Airship

My vehicle is an airship designed to take the Copyright scholar and government corruption activist Lawerence Lessig to a failed state, where he can encourage creativity and fight corruption. Fitting with Lessig’s philosophy of freedom and cooperation, the ship is made of linked balloon vessels, which can reconfigure themselves to achieve collective goals. In case of danger, such as a surface-to-air missile, the small ships can disperse, rather than resort to violence.


Son Pham – Vehicle test render

Feed Sam

Keyshot Renders – Sam Cowans


Initial keyshot renders


Hulk Jet Transformation

Alexandra Feed

Preliminary Keyshot Renderings: Alexandra Lamancusa: Noah’s Ark


Puzzle Airship Test Renders

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Feed You Jin

Keyshot Project 1 (You Jin Park)

Feed Jeremy

Elephant Carrier

Alana Feed

The Carrot Crawler