Author: gpd003
Post Human Project – Greg
Thesis: As humans begin to blur the line between themselves and technology, traits or characteristics could soon become downloadable information like a song. As this soon becomes attainable, a person could download body characteristics from another human, which would create world that is a little unnatural.
Test Render – Greg
Greg Progress Screenshots
3D Scanning – Greg
I thought that KScan was the best option. It allowed you to edit meshes the best. The makerware digitizer was pretty bad. You can only scan small object, and it usually doesn’t come out well (like my wallet). 123D Scan worked okay, but it took way too long for me to consider it the best option. It also cut out the back of the head.
Posthuman Project
Thesis: As humans begin to blur the line between themselves and technology, traits or characteristics could soon become downloadable information like a song. As this soon becomes attainable, a person could upload their athletic abilities to simple USB drive and have the rest of their teammates download their skills. It could create fully customizable humans with various traits and characteristics.
Research: I have spent plenty of time watching the training montage between Rocky and Drago in Rocky 4. It helps me looking to a human training for a fight and a “cyborg” type person. Watching the Drago portions gave me a good idea of human interaction with computers. I think it also gave me an idea that a regular human could be greater than a perfectly customized human. I think that this will have a big impact on the story I will try to portray.
Falling Man – Greg
Top Hat Bunny
This project is a vehicle for Ron Swanson and Teddy Roosevelt hunting Big Foot. They fly in from America, because how would the greatest Americans in the world be able to live with themselves as a resident of Canada, to the Northwestern Territories in Canada. They don’t know if they will ever find big foot, but they hunt night and day following footprints or whatever leads they can get. The vehicle takes on some traits of both of these individuals. The hat, pin on the hat and glasses come from Teddy Roosevelt’s Rough Riders days. The figure for the vehicle follows Ron Swanson’s simple life style. It has the travel bubble, two sets of tank treads, and travels quietly through the forest and sky. The large weaponry is an attribute of both of these men.
The inspirations for the vehicle that helped me were mainly tanks. While I chose a simple sphere for the main body, the treads resemble that of a tank. I felt that they matched a tank pretty well. I also made them smaller so that they could climb over rocky/bumpy terrain. The environment was mostly based off of forests and heavily wooded areas. I also wanted to put night images in so that it would give off the idea that they are hunting day and night.
Swanson/Roosevelt Vehicle
Project 1 – Greg
For the first project I have decided to a vehicle meant for finding Big Foot in the Northwest Territories. Ron Swanson/Teddy Roosevelt will be operating the vehicle.