Category: Joey
Project Progress
Post Human Project – Stadel
Thesis: The proliferation of and dependence on technology has fundamentally changed the way we act. So much so, we are becoming a society that is incredibly dumbed down, similar to the plot of Mike Judge’s movie Idiocracy. As a result we are transforming to a mild, brainless form of the very thing we fear will end the world: zombies.
Post Human Test Shots
Draft Renders – Stadel
Post-Human Research Stadel
Thesis: The proliferation of social media has fundamentally changed the way we relate to others to an extreme. So much so, we are becoming a society that is incredibly dumbed down, similar to the plot of Mike Judge’s movie Idiocracy. As a result we are transforming to a mild form of the very thing we fear will end the world: zombies.
Research: I watched the movie Idiocracry, a movie where an average man from our era is put into a hibernation program spearheaded by the Pentagon. He is forgotten about in the incubator until five centuries later. As he orients himself to the new era, he realizes that people have become so dumb, that he is the smartest man alive. What I thought was really interesting about this movie was the way the people in the future acted. They moved oddly, they talked in sentences that were almost cave-man like. They were a dumbed down human. I saw similarities in the way the people acted and how we currently depict the zombies in the zombie apocalypse. To find examples, I looked at AMC’s The Walking Dead, which is a TV series that has humans running away from a zombie apocalypse, similar to the video game Left for Dead, and the movie Sean of the Dead. I want to show in my Post Human Project how technology and social media is ruining our intelligence and bringing us to a dumbed down state. A state which resembles a mild form of the way we currently depict zombies, not in image but in actions.
Pool Scene
Wine Stopper Stadel
Project 1 – Stadel
To figure out a good design for my vehicle, I looked at both the Tron motorcycle and the Batman motorcycle. These vehicles are both very cool in design and give their rider that effect as they speed past their enemies. The Batman motorcycle inspiration can be seen in the weaponry and positioning of the wheels. The Tron motorcycle is seen in the sleek body and the helmet. This vehicle makes it easy for Bugs to navigate through a harsh environment of his enemies. This specific harsh environment is a battle in the desert between Bugs and Yosemite Sam. This made it important to have a number of weaponry on Bug’s motorcycle. Bugs is a very cool, fast, and over the top individual. I made sure the design matched his style. The motorcycle is very cool, is shown going fast, and has over the top weaponry to protect him. It has two seats in case he needs to save his love, Lola. One other thing I’d like to mention is that another one of Bug’s enemies is a bull that Bugs likes to tease. In this design, I had an ironic effect as Bugs is riding a design of one of his main adversaries. It shows that he is fierce and can conquer all enemies he encounters.
Bug’s Mobile
Project 1 Prompt – Stadel