Thesis: While in a public space the need for public storage is a real problem. It gets warm and people do not know what to do with their loose clothing. The world needs a product capable of holding clothes in a public environment that also functions as a philanthropic tool for immediate aide to those in need. This product developed is capable of accepting clothes for storage or donation that can be either kept safe or unlocked for the world to use. All components are individual to prevent tampering with others’ clothes the product is additionally fit with a cleansing system in case it is taken advantage of over time (poorly potty-trained dogs).
Category: Zander
Public Storage – Project 3
3D printed servants
Thesis: In a world in which 3D printing technology has developed beyond what it was ever expected, a new utility is achieved through the raw reproduction of man. Testing of this technology is performed in small partially translucent rooms that give the produced no understanding of where or what they are. This future represents a time in which machines are replaced with organic.
Posthuman Project – Zander Slavitz
Post-Humanism – Zander Slavitz
Project 2 – Posthuman
Thesis: Humans have evolved to have organic computers. For this project I wish to investigate the capacity for organic computers of other animals to connect with the inorganic computer. Is there a way we could become in tune with the feelings of animals or other life through use of technology?
Research: The brain communicates with neurons, which fire along their axons. The firing of axons are axon potentials where a pulse is sent down an axon by opening and closing sodium-potassium gates. Neurons act in synchrony, stimulated by neurotransmitters that are released by connecting neurons. The decision of a neuron connected to other neurons is a summation effect that is either on or off, pulse or no pulse. This core functionality parallels modern computers in the method of operation through binary.
Neurons have a variety of different concentrations in animals. A sponge has no neurons, but a Jellyfish has 800. It is unclear whether the mental processes of other organisms is similar to humans. It is theorized that primates have the most similar mental processes while other organisms might have more reactive mental processes.
Flask Bunny
Jimi Hendrix – The Way of Travel
Jimi Hendrix is a figure that feels alive despite his death in 1970. His music has influenced generations of music in just four years professionally playing. During his career he moved with no boundaries. He knew where he wanted to go and was able to travel his way there regardless of the path required. He helped define the hippie movement through his clothing, drug use, and eccentric personality. It is from these character attributes that I was inspired to create a vehicle capable of smoothly traversing environments that others have never been able to cross. His vehicle allows him to surmount heights not attainable by the common man. He deserved to travel in style with something that resembled a VW Bus right out of Scooby-Doo. Inside, he was rewarded with luxury. A flat screen TV surrounded by plush couches. A gentle fire to keep warm. Psychedelic colors defined Jimi Hendrix’s most popular vinyl album covers and therefore played an intimate role in the color scheme chosen.
The Terror of the Crowd – Zander
For this project I designed my vehicle for Jimi Hendrix. Jimi Hendrix is not the driver, but is rather the one on top of the vehicle, playing music for the crowd. The harsh environment is a rowdy crowd at a concert, reminiscent of the types of crowds that used to accost the Beatles when they played. The type of people at the concert would be those that attended Woodstock. Instead of a aesthetic unappealing fence, I chose a divergent shape leading up to where Jimi sits, preventing people from climbing up to him. The land is also uneven and difficult for a normal vehicle to drive over. To compensate I added treads to the wheels, as seen in a futuristic rendering of an all-terrain vehicle.

Jimi Hendrix is a relaxed guy. All pictures of him playing he is wearing very thin and light clothes. His biography also mentioned his more relaxed lifestyle. Therefore he will be sitting in a hammock on top of the whole vehicle, playing guitar while he sits down, the guitar resting comfortably along his body. Jimi doesn’t like interruptions to his music, therefore his elevated platform will enable this flow to maintain.

I thought it would be ideal if someone else was driving as Jimi was playing music. The person stands in a spherical module that is similar to a prison tower. The person driving uses the rectangular window to both see out to the crowd while also looking intimating so no one tries to climb up to Jimi.

I added a handrail and a flat platform to create stability to hold the tower and double as a dance floor. Also the platform that Jimi is on slowly revolves.
I plan to add a door that allows for Jimi to climb to the top as well as more developed wheels and internal components for the driving controls.