Alana Feed

Alana Jajko – posthuman = postnatural

The Thesis:

Though we have not quite reached the phase where humans have physically converted to a makeup reliant upon technology, a world of humans who have transitioned to that stage may be a possibility for the future.  We are already losing our connection to nature with the development of technologies, which only expedites our track towards the post-human.  When that day comes it will likely sustain for a while, but will eventually result in a battle of nature versus the developments of this new age in an attempt to take back and preserve humanity.

The Research:

Nature vs. Technology – Brian Lam

While this project harnesses a concentration in the post-human, an article by Brian Lam discusses the idea of the post-natural, perhaps a branch of post-humanism.  He argues that the continued development of technology has led to humans becoming less connected with nature, in most cases almost entirely cut off from it.  As a starting example, while people used to crack open the window at night to let in a cool breeze of air and enjoy the sounds of nature, the invention of air-conditioning has eliminated a need for this.  And with the luxuries of computers and televisions and cell phones people are less likely to take the time to appreciate the natural wilderness that surrounds them and instead opt for more immediate options of leisure.  A good point made in the article goes as follows:

Louv believes that, “one price of progress is seldom mentioned: a diminished life of the senses” (666 “A Life”). People begin to lose their natural senses the more they rely on electronics and machines to do the work for them. America has immersed itself in technology and, in exchange, lost its close relationship with nature.

Nature rouses the senses and makes life worth living, but with the developments of technology, a life of comfort and convenience come to be more appealing and people start to lose interest in nature.  This may have a serious psychological effect on humanity, and also poses a threat to the younger generations.  Children these days are more prone to playing video game rather than outside.  They are easily influenced by their surroundings, especially when they interact with it, so it is important for a child to spend the time to connect with nature because it is a critical point in their life when their mind is developing.  By experiencing the outdoors, they can get dirty, learn new skills, and appreciate what nature contributes to spurring the imagination.

This connection with nature is important, and with this disconnect we are losing a piece of our humanity.  Arguably, this has contributed to the development of a world that we consider to be post-human.  I like to think that nature will have its way in the end, that no technology can contest with the forces of the natural world.  And so, that is what my project will explore.  The taking back of the world by nature, once post-humanism has run its course.

When Nature and Technology Combine (Educational Documentary)

This video explores how nature has influenced technology, specifically the technology of movement–how we’ve learned how to fly by observing birds, and how robots are being designed to mimic the quick movements of insects and crabs, and master the ability to stick to walls like frogs and geckos.  While the documentary only discusses the use of these natural movements in regards to vehicles and robots, it can be applied to the posthuman idea of altering the body to move more efficiently.  It is ironic that nature inspires these notions of technology, since the deveopments of this technology has led to a disinterest in the nature from whence it came.  Another idea to explore in my project is the idea that nature has been spurned by this use and neglect.  It has inspired so many technologies, yet can be so easily ignored by the average human being.  What happens when it decides to seek vengeance?  When it decides to take back what it has given?

The Plan:

I envision a 3D print for my final project  (possibly with a few renderings) depicting the struggle of technology vs. nature.


Nick Tacca, Project 2 Thesis

Thesis statement: (Relates to 2.)

In the distant future, humans will be able to explore the universe through multiple surrogates controlled by their own mind.  They will have the ability to simultaneously experience life through any robot, animal, or being for eternity.

Additional Research:

Physicist Michio Kaku states that in the distant future there is the possibility that humans will be able to have their brains uploaded on a memory disk.  He goes on saying that we could then put our consciousness on a laser beam and send it into outer space at the speed of light to explore the universe.  A relay station could then be placed on the other end, which allows for us to relay our consciousness into whatever being or surrogate we choose.  As a result, humans could become a super human through a surrogate robot, or potentially a tiny animal at the bottom of the ocean.  Humans will have the ability to select from various surrogates at each relay station.  In addition, there is the potential for the consciousness to be split, so that you are controlling multiple surrogates at one time.

Already, we are making huge progress in this field.  In the upcoming World Cup, a paralyzed teen will wear an exoskeleton suit and kick a soccer ball for the first time to begin the opening game of the tournament.  It takes his physical thoughts of moving his leg forward, and then translates that into mechanical motion of an exoskeleton robot suit.  In addition, researchers are investigating ways in which the teen will “feel” the ball hit his foot when he kicks it.  A current pulse will be sent to electrodes directly to his brain, which stimulates neurons that fire, indicating a physical contact sensation within his/her brain.  This leads us to believe that humans may potentially be able to control bodies in a remote location and feel and experience exactly what they are experiencing.

Lastly, there is an article on Livescience, which talks about the ability for humans to possibly one day obtain immortality.  Current neural engineering efforts have been focused on restoring function to individuals with neurological dysfunction.  Some more research has been focused on a brain memory device to help people recall short-term memories for a very long time.  At the end of the article, they mentioned the term “mind-clones”, in which humans may have the ability to create digital versions of themselves that can live forever.



I envision the final result to be a series of renders that portray one instant in time from multiple different perspectives in various surrogate suits.


Makehuman, Blender, T-Splines

Human1 Human1.2


Rabbit Stopper

Rabbit1 Rabbit2


Son Pham – Genghis Khan riding his horse


MakeHuman, Blender, T-Spline Combo (You Jin Park)

Feed Sam

Midnight Jumper


Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot!

Taking rock, paper, and scissors to new places


Son Pham – Bunny Cork/Shot Glass



Nick Uncategorized

Matrix-Bat-Guy Getaway

Feed Jeremy

Too Sunny Bunny

Feed Jeremy

Spring Training -Jeremy

Alexandra Feed

Make Human/ Blendr Exercise

Feed Sam

Golden Bunny and Glass

Alana Feed

Makehuman Invasion!


Bunny and Wine


Blue Bunny Drink

Alana Feed

Biker Bunny

Alexandra Feed

Bunny Rabbit- Cusa

Feed You Jin

Bunny by You Jin Park


Jacques-uar: For the Affluent Adventurer

Inspired by Italian luxury sportscar manufacturers Lamborghini and Ferrari, this vehicle is designed for the wealthy among us who feel the need… the need for speed.  Unlike the established brands from which it was born, however, this supercar makes a statement both on land and under the sea.  Appealing to the inner Jacques Cousteau in us all, this feat of automotive engineering enables those wealthy enough to afford it the unique experience of deep sea diving sans a wetsuit thanks to technology adapted from Mr. Cousteau’s Aqua-Lung.  You can relax in the spacious pilot’s cabin as the oxygen required to fuel your expedition is pumped from 2 tanks safely housed in the rear of the vehicle.  Reinforced with a corrosion-resistant copper shell, owners can fearlessly descend into the depths of the unknown without worrying about the mysterious creatures that lurk in the darkness.  When you’ve had your fill of exploration for the day, you can then ride back home in style with a quick transformation of the engine turbines into standard wheels.  Complete with gull-wing doors and an exterior modeled after the regal lobster, you will surely be the envy of the yacht club when you add the Jacques-uar to your fleet.

Alexandra Feed

Post-Apocalyptic Noah’s Ark: Alexandra Lamancusa

My futuristic Noah’s ark combines three different sea vessel designs: the ark, the buoy, and the catamaran.  I liked the impression of strength and power than the shape of the ark provides, while I appreciated the catamaran’s design for its practical ability to survive waves.  The buoy, while the most humble of my sea vessel inspirations, is fascinating in its ability to bounce back from being hit by waves- a very important quality to have when trying to endure a post-apocalyptic sea.  In order to endure the post-apocalyptic sea for an indefinite time, I needed a design that was sturdy enough to survive both rough waves and time.  I imagine that a post-apocalyptic sea would be filled with poisonous debris and contaminants, so I needed to create a vehicle that was both relatively self-sufficient and self-contained.  The windmills on the various pods provide the energy necessary for the ark to keep running indefinitely.  My future Noah, who runs the whole ark, is invested in the preservation of the ship and its inhabitants.  I see him as a sort of steward of the last bits of nature.  The upward-looking window on the ark’s control pod allows Noah to wait and look for the appearance of the rainbow.  The strength and enormity of the ship reflect his conviction and perseverance.

The presentation of my final project follows the ark on a particular sunrise as it continues to wait for a sign of good things to come.  Through lighting, composition, and setting, I try to capture both the serenity and loneliness of Noah’s ark, a ship floating an empty sea indefinitely.  The viewer is invited into the scene by two crows that have found rest on the ark.

Feed Sam

Train Force One – Sam Cowans

In designing my vehicle, I focused on certain parts and aspects of other vehicles such as steam engine trains, jet airliners and rocket ships or space shuttles. I incorporated these vehicles as a means to best articulate what I initially was aiming for with my vehicle; Train Force One. As a direct line of transportation to intergalactic worlds for President Barack Obama, I needed to make sure it was capable of carrying such cargo as the president of the United States in a timely fashion of stellar capacity and getting him to his destination safely. I also had to create a vehicle that would be sleek and sophisticated enough to match the style of Mr. Obama. For this reason, a good portion of the exterior color and materials were model after Obama’s very own “Cadillac One.”

I found the idea of Obama having a personal train to be interesting, and once I decided that my harsh environment would be located within the belly of the massive, majestic monsters that inhabit the far regions of space, otherwise known as black holes, I saw it fit to incorporate aspects such as rockets and jet turbines. Essentially, my thought process behind incorporating such additions was due to the fact that ultimately nothing in the natural or physical world is known to be able to escape from a black hole; not even light itself. Therefore, I figured that my vehicle would need to be able to travel even faster than the speed of light if it were to clear the grips of the black holes.

Certain attributes ascribed to Obama as a political leader are that of public speaking, intelligence, dedication and determination or strong-will. His Preferences are equality, order and peace. Therefore, his aversions would be inequality, chaos and, in most cases, war. These qualities that Obama possess are ultimately what fuel his purpose for traveling through space. As a means to engage in peace talks with aliens, he must venture through black holes. Ultimately, he is making the universe a better place for everyone, one space mission at a time.

Feed You Jin

Project1 – You Jin Park

For my design I got my inspiration from three very different vehicles: hovering skateboard, and mini-robot with micro-spine claws made by NASA. The skateboard was what gave me the most important idea that even compact, light-weighted objects can hold human weight in air with great stability. The robot made from NASA to travel across the moon gave me the idea to add small gripper to the vehicle so that it can hold onto rough surface with great strength and ease. The harsh environments for my vehicle are cliffs, caves, and different types of landscapes that are either unoccupied or filled with hostile enemies. The harsh environment led me to decide that the overall design of my vehicle should be compact, portable, and most importantly adaptable for a variety of surroundings. The user of this vehicle is Lara Croft from Tomb Raider, a knowledgeable and passionate archaeologist who is always in search for lands that might hold ancient secrets and history. She is also a very athletic individual and was trained personally by her father and mentor to survive and search for ancient relics through harsh environments. She is against violence but doesn’t hesitate to fight when she has no other choice. From Lara’s traits I decided that my vehicle should have additional have space to hold mini-robots for scavenging for relics and detecting enemies; other space on the vehicle will be for weapon (just in case) and to put in the relics that she finds. For my renders I made great use in taking renders in many different angles; this is because I want to show the various features and functions that my vehicle can present in varying situation.


Khan’s cavalry – Son Pham

Genghis Khan has been notorious for his military leadership. His leadership is a harmonious balance between order and flexibility. The full-cavalry army of Khan is always in motion, yet the movement is smooth and not chaotic. Therefore, a vehicle for Genghis Khan will not only be powerful and flexible but also strike fear to anybody who come in his way.

As for the harsh environment, I would choose a tsunami. A tsunami is also total and sweeping. It would really frustrate Khan as it totally threatens his life but leave him with no flexible options except to run away. Furthermore, as his personality represents fire, a quick, powerful yet flexible force, water would be the obvious antithesis.

Several important elements inspire the design of the vehicle. I chose a horse for Genghis Khan as this is the single most important factor for his massive success and would obviously be his favorite vehicle. I build my vehicle based on a huge set of horse skeleton as this would strike fear to the enemy (and also because Khan catapults human heads into the castle to scare the people inside). The vehicle would be well protected to resist exceptional force like a tsunami. The cavalry also includes wheel and a jet engine in the tail to provide him enough speed for his escape. As for decorations, I incorporate the pattern found in Mongolian crown to make a noble appearance. An avid equestrian, Khan would prefer the old way of riding horse to the modern automobile handling system. Therefore, he would control the head of the horse by pulling the chain, similar to the technique of riding the horse.